
Please click on the images below to view more information about artworks and exhibitions, such as an artist statement, materials, and more. If you’re a curator, organizer, or gallery, please get in touch via email if you’d like further details about any of my work or a copy of my full CV.

春色 – 夏彩 Spring Colours – Summer Hues
Generation (2022)
Two Sides of the Same Coin (2017) handwoven artwork
Two Sides of the Same Coin (2017)
visible mending handmade socks
Barbara’s Socks (2013)
秋豐,冬眠 Autumn Abundance, Winter Rest
Handwoven rug, map rug
Untitled (Rug) (2019)
overshot handwoven tea towel
Untitled (2016)

Textile Design

single soap bag weaving pattern
Two Tidal Towels - a free weaving pattern from GIST Yarn and Fiber
Soft baby blanket weaving patterns appearing in VAVMAGASINET 3/2020

I design patterns for the home weaver using a rigid heddle or 4 harness loom. My weaving patterns are more than just a draft and materials list – they offer contextual and experience-based tips and information to ensure that your project is fun and successful. All patterns are generously illustrated with clear text and step by step instructions.

To purchase my patterns, please visit my online shop!

I regularly work with Gist Yarn to design weaving patterns using their yarn. You can see the Tidal Towels, the Squarish Rug, and Bloom Table Squares on their website.

I also write a how-to series for the Gist blog that covers common weaving questions like how to resize weaving patterns and tips for keeping weaving records. New articles appear monthly.

I am a regular contributor to VÄVMAGASINET. You can find my patterns in Issues 3/2020, 1/2021, 4/2021, 4/2022, and 2/2025. The above 4 shaft weaving project uses undyed wool from Linc Farm in the Upper Canada Fibreshed and can be found in 3/2020.